Mastering user generated content

24 November 2016

80% of B2C businesses plan to produce more content in 2017 - yet creating good quality content that resonates with audiences, has the all important shareability factor, and ultimately brings the right people to your website, is not an easy task. 

Engaging your audience is key to a brands online success

80% of B2C businesses plan to produce more content in 2017 - yet creating good quality content that resonates with audiences, has the all important shareability factor, and ultimately brings the right people to your website, is not an easy task. 

This raises the question - how can we produce meaningful content that gets in front of the right people and prompts active involvement in the progression of your brand? Furthermore, how can we do this on a mass scale, especially when budgets are tight and resources scarce? 

Is there a way to achieve all of this while gaining valuable audience insight? 

The definition of content marketing is evolving as digital audiences take control of their own online experiences. Businesses are no longer in the driving seat when it comes to audiences’ content consumption, but must instead adopt the role of navigator, using suggestion and incentive to guide the user journey.

According to the content marketing institute, content marketing is no longer just about “creation and distribution”, but needs to focus on value, relevance and consistency in order to “attract and retain a clearly defined audience - and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” 

The driving force behind content is also changing. 

User-generated content (UGC), reviews, influencer marketing and brand advocacy are becoming a large focus of many content strategies, and for very good reason: 

  • 70% of consumers trust peer recommendations over professionally written copy;
  • Over 50% of consumers find UGC more memorable than brand-produced content;
  • and 53% of millennials say that UGC has influenced their purchasing decisions.    

This all comes down to the psychology of social proof - the concept that people are automatically drawn to a product or service that they know others already engage with and trust. Essentially, a stranger’s opinion is more valuable than a company’s sales message.

This looks like a pretty sweet deal for many brands, taking the pressure off marketers - all you have to do is be good at what you do, create a space for your customers to talk about you, engage with them in return, and the rest will follow.


Not quite. While 83% of consumers say they are happy to recommend a service to a friend, only 29% actually do. 

So how do we get our audiences creating and engaging on a personal level?

In a recent workshop at Brighton Chamber of Commerce, our digital marketing manager, Sophie, and content specialist, Alicia, taught a selection of Brighton businesses how to get their audiences to do their content marketing for them. 

Check out the slides from Sophie and Alicia’s talk to discover how to transform your audience into your best content marketers.

Looking for a bit more? Get in touch with our digital marketing team at Bozboz to see how we can help build your brand momentum today. 

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