The Psychology of Language for PPC

25 October 2016

The time has come for us to break the habit of generic PPC copy forever.

This was the message of our digital marketing manager and communications expert, Sophie Turton in her recent talk at London’s Hero Conference.

Successful marketing explores how and why people think and act in the way they do, it taps into your audience psyche in order to create stories that mean something to them - ultimately, driving positive consumer action.

Sophie’s talk explores six key lessons in language psychology that marketers can use to create impactful copy for their PPC ads. These include solving a problem in the headline, mirroring your audience's objective and always going back to the why. 

understanding the why

Regardless of whether your product or service is obviously solving a problem - such as a mechanic fixing a broken-down car - if you follow the journey of the audience all the way back to the beginning, before they have even started the initial search, there will almost always be a reason why.

The why is important. It is the why that makes people buy. The why that creates loyal customers and superstar brands.

As Simon Sinek says, “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

We can go even further, people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it and why your product or service will in some way enhance their lives - it’s not your why they care about, it’s theirs.

Using emotional triggers in your PPC ad copy can also help spur people to action - playing to the psychological phenomenon of FOMO, our trust in a stranger’s opinion over a sales message, the desire to be unique combined with our need to fit in - can all be used to create powerful, hard-hitting copy.

prioritising headlines

The illusionary truth effect tells us that repeating information across ads, perhaps in a catchy call to action or headline, will make them stick in people’s minds and help you stand out in the SERPs. This, teamed with the serial effect - that we are most likely to remember the first and last pieces of information we see - shows that prioritising headlines and call to actions is key.   

Regardless of which psychological trick you wish to use in your ad copy, first ask yourself - why is this person searching? What can I offer them? Why should they care?

learning more

To learn more about how you can use the psychology of language to increase click through rates in your paid search ads, check out Sophie’s slides below or get in touch to speak to a member of our digital marketing team. 

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