The Final Cut: Wirehive 100 Awards

26 July 2016

It’s always a good feeling to receive great feedback on our hard work, and even more so when that work is recognised as industry leading.

We're proud to announce we have been shortlisted as finalists in this year’s Wirehive 100 - ‘Best Content Creation’ category for our innovative work with fastjet - the third time one of our campaigns has made the cut since we started working with the airline in 2013.

Earlier this year we ran a hugely successful campaign to engage African audiences with a strong user generated content concept. We asked fastjet's social media community of over 1 million fans and followers to send us their take on what makes Africa special, uploading videos to the #WeFilmAfrica hub.

Working in the African market presents us with certain challenges and we continually strive to fuse innovation with real world issues.

Western media portrayals of Africa tend to focus on the negative - our aim was to put Africa’s national pride and rich diversity into the foreground. The #WeFilmAfrica campaign did just that, making a big impact on fastjet's customer engagement and positive association with the fastjet brand.

If you’d like to get a feel for what makes Africa such a fantastic place to live, and why we treasure our award winning partnership with Africa’s leading low cost airline, take a look at the #WeFilmAfrica hub.

"With marketing in Africa expected to boom in the next 5 years, particularly on mobile, we’re excited to be working at the cutting edge of this phenomenal growth prediction."

The Wirehive 100 awards celebrate outstanding creative and technical talent in the South, showcasing digital excellence and exceptional work and individuals. This year’s awards are being held on the 13th October at Mercedes Benz world, and we’re very proud to be joining the ‘digital glitterati’ in recognising the best of the best in digital.  

Check out our fellow nominees and the other Wirehive 100 category shortlists and watch this space for more news...

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